I have been reading and researching articles about death, art and anything having to do with the two.
I have not yet decided what angle I am going to follow in this project. I was thinking about making a timeline of human history and run it parallel to human use of death in art. The project will be a written one. It may consist of a book format that is accompanied by an audio-visual CD that combines images and sounds together.
The research includes psychology journals, anthropology journals and art journals. Although they are all interesting, nothing has really jumped out at me so far.
I looked into the works of Bill Viola which are interesting and would probably be great for the audio visual part of the project. The audio visual will also include musical works by Macabre, Cannibal Corpse, Cremaster and visual works by Jeol Peter Witkin, Marilyn Manson, and movie makers such as George A. Romero.