... I think I'm coming down with negativity.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Artist Statement for Final Project

I have seen and read things that I doubt I’d ever want to see and read again. I don’t consider myself a sensitive person by any means, but this project really got to me. It made me realize how little value we have for the dead, which may just be a way for us to cope with our own mortality.

The written part of the project is a series of 5.5x 8inch pages that make up an easy reference guide to things you may never have known about death. It’s meant to read like a novelty book you’d find at Spencer or Hottopic. The reason I didn’t bind it or put a cover on it is because I did not feel like I was writing a book. Beside, I cannot start and finish a book that would do Death justice in one semester. I didn’t include images or graphics because my video piece was graphic enough.

The images I picked out for the video could have very easily come out of some book. However, to prove that we are a culture saturated in images of death, I decided to get on the internet and pick out images. It wasn’t hard at all to find what I was looking for. The music in the video is from my music library.

Finally, the video piece is not on You Tube because all images and sounds are copyright materials.