... I think I'm coming down with negativity.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Artists Are SICK!

Word on the net is that a Costa Rican artist found a starving dog on the street, brought the dog into his exhibition gallery, tied the starving thing up and then within the span of the say let the dog die due to lack of food and water... all in the name of art.

I have issues with this. Lots of issues. The cruelty of the actual "artist" not withstanding my other big issue is this: Why did no one in the gallery do something about the dog being tied up and starving before the poor creature died? Are we so afraid of "touching" and "interacting" with art that we ignore a poor dog's whimpers for help? Are we so apt to believe and listen to the instructions of people with "power" or "authority" that we ignore our own common sense?

The phrase "Join Us in Non-Conformity" really comes to mind.

Uh! Human kind is really obnoxious!

That is all!

PS. Read about the story here... http://petloverstips.com/ForTheLoveoftheDog/news-updates/a-dead-dog-as-art-petition

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