... I think I'm coming down with negativity.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Art Meets the Environment

Just got done teaching a week long photo workshop to nature camp kids.

It is very hard to work with people that are not motivated by new experiences and do not facilitate a friendly environment. But with all that rubbish aside the week was wonderfully enjoyable.

Working with kids is great. (Remember, working with kids is not having kids. Working with kids means that at the end of the day their is a return policy).

Children's ability to grasp on to complicated concepts is astonishing, especially when they are out performing their much older instructors and counselors.

Kids can experiment without inhibition. They do not have a sense of propriety as to how something is supposed to look or function. They are in the perfect state of mind in which they can be influenced either to see things in everyday light or to see things in a way that no one else usually sees.

At first it was hard(ish) to convince them to photograph objects and subjects from different and unconventional angles. However, within an hour they were able to take photos of flowers by sitting under them, or to take pictures of trees while climbing them.

Their projects came out splendidly (and yes, lots of mess was involved). We created wonderful book style photo journals and also put together 3D picture dioramas.

Here are some of the results:

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