... I think I'm coming down with negativity.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hungry Like the Wolf

Thanks to the geniuses behind the video game Rock Band (and the new expansion Rock Band 2), I once again find myself getting stuck on songs that I have no business remembering. One in particular is that all time favorite of yours and mine; Duran Duran's Hungry Like the Wolf.

So, since my mind is now plagued with this 80's music nightmare, I figured I'd leave you with some images loosely associated with the subject matter: FOOD.

I find that the shape, color and texture of food makes for interesting possibilities for unique compositions. A large part of my undergrad work involved food (and its ability to decompose). It was a very smelly endeavor but luckily I had some very awesome professors that supported the stink-fest.

Here is Irving Penn's take on FOOD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really? Duran Duran..Hungry like a wolf... Ha-ha-ha. I suppose it has a certain vibe.

Are they still together ?