... I think I'm coming down with negativity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beginning of the End; The Thesis Debacle

In my mind I am ready to be done with this whole thing. This thesis thing. It makes me physically ill to still talk/write/think about it and yet there are miles and miles to go before I can rest.

In my mind everything is already laid out. Everything is edited, color corrected, marked and printed and ready to go.

So how come nothing is done yet?

I am mentally exhausted by the whole project and I won't lie when I say that I procrastinated way longer than I should have.

The main problem is that my attention span is not good for such a serious project. Its too much focused thinking for someone that enjoys working on multiple projects all the time.

I have about 20 other ideas just lingering up in the ol' attic and they are all in some hurry to get out.


One step at a time I suppose.

My goal is last Friday in September although first Friday of October doesn't sound that bad either.

Well, back to the grid I suppose. 5 days and I want to be done with shooting. Sleep be damned.

Crossing my fingers!

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