... I think I'm coming down with negativity.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Overdue and Under Done

Summer is proving to be busier that I had anticipated or really desired it to be. July was pretty much a bust. Had to run down to NYC to see relatives from abroad and then the following week I was once again volunteering out at PEEC as a photo instructor.

The PEEC experience was weird again. Its really hard to get kids (who's brains are on summer break) to get rolling on any sort of project. The first 2-3 days are spent convincing them that you actually do know what you are doing and you are not just playing some trick on them (or trying to make them do 'HOMEWORK'). By the time day 4 or 5 rolls around they finally like you and beg you not to leave, just as you are ready to pack up your gear and head home.

The director at PEEC has asked me to come back next year to teach either for the entire summer or to come in and teach the older kids, seeing as how A) I am cool & B) most of the kids I've taught the last 2 years will be aged out of the younger group by next year. I said I will consider it. Although really I hope to be employed full time by then. (Someone has to start paying off her college debt.)


SO some of you (I am talking about all my imaginary friends and readers) are probably wondering how the thesis is going, seeing as how I planned on showing in September. Well things are really behind. I wish I was more on the ball but once again life got in the way. I am planing to motivate myself to get things going here and at least get some proofs going. Maybe I should put it in writing?!?!?!


I got accepted to a show in Auburn, NY to display some of my creepy little boxes (I will attempt to post some pics up one of these days). I hope they sell.

I have also been showing off some other work at some group shows around town. Even though the support from gallery staff has been encouraging, so far the public has not picked up on what it is I am trying to do. Maybe its because I don't really have a clear vision either.

I hope that once the thesis is over, I can start working on other things that have been festering in my brain. Here is to creativity and its free flow. (I loath artist blocks).

Thats all for now!

Hoping to follow this up with some sample images soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

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